Science & Technology News & Analysis

Elon Musk Is Not Fighting for “Free Speech” or Transparency on Twitter, But He Is a Lying Partisan: An Exhibit
Elon Musk's actions speak louder than his tweets and the latest "Twitter Files" farce with Matt Taibbi going after Hunter Biden, the Democratic Party, and Twitter moderators are an excellent case in point By Brian E. Frydenborg (Twitter @bfry1981, LinkedIn, ...

The Urgent Questions About Cyberwarfare We Are Not Even Asking (But Must)
RCN's inaugural book review examines the indispensable This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends: The Cyberweapons Arms Race (by Nicole Perlroth, Bloombsury, 2021, 505 pages) By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) July 31, 2021; see related June 7, 2021, article: Already ...

Coronavirus and History, Russia and Italy, the War for Reality, and the Nexus of It All
Excerpt 5 of 5, adapted to stand alone, from a May 26, 2020 SPECIAL REPORT on coronavirus By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) 1-A Brief, Non-Comprehensive Survey of Bioweapons, Biowarfare, and Bioterrorism History in Light of the Coronavirus Pandemic 2-America’s History ...

The Harsh Truths Coronavirus Has Exposed
Excerpt 4 of 5, adapted to stand alone, from a May 26, 2020 SPECIAL REPORT on coronavirus By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) 1-A Brief, Non-Comprehensive Survey of Bioweapons, Biowarfare, and Bioterrorism History in Light of the Coronavirus Pandemic 2-America’s History ...

Why the Coronavirus Pandemic and America’s Disastrous Response Will Inspire Future Use of Bioweapons
Excerpt 3 of 5, adapted to stand alone, from a May 26, 2020 SPECIAL REPORT on coronavirus By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) 1-A Brief, Non-Comprehensive Survey of Bioweapons, Biowarfare, and Bioterrorism History in Light of the Coronavirus Pandemic 2-America’s History ...

America’s History of Failure in Unconventional and Asymmetric Warfare Is Instructive for Our War with the Coronavirus
Excerpt 2 of 5, adapted to stand alone, from a May 26, 2020 SPECIAL REPORT on coronavirus By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) 1-A Brief, Non-Comprehensive Survey of Bioweapons, Biowarfare, and Bioterrorism History in Light of the Coronavirus Pandemic 3-Why the ...

A Brief, Non-Comprehensive Survey of Bioweapons, Biowarfare, and Bioterrorism History in Light of the Coronavirus Pandemic
Excerpt 1 of 5, adapted to stand alone, from a May 26, 2020 SPECIAL REPORT on coronavirus By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) 2-America’s History of Failure in Unconventional and Asymmetric Warfare Is Instructive for Our War with the Coronavirus 3-Why ...

Coronavirus Exposes U.S. As Unprepared for Biowarfare & Bioterrorism, Highlighting Traditional U.S. Weakness in Unconventional, Asymmetric Warfare
SPECIAL REPORT By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) May 26, 2020 PDF report version of this article here. The eBook version, Coronavirus the Revealer: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Exposes America As Unprepared for Biowarfare & Bioterrorism, Highlighting Traditional ...

After the Storms: Are Harvey, Irma the New Normal?
And what would that mean going forward? Some hard choices, necessary changes, and a reckoning. Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse September 8, 2017 By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) September 8th, 2017; UPDATE: September 11th, 2017: Fortune favored Florida as Irma was ...

Republican Party Plays Politics with Zika, Shows GOP’s True (Disgraceful) Nature
Yes, we can blame the poor Zika response on Republicans, which has put far more Americans at risk than necessary, risk that for too many Americans not yet born will mean lifelong mental defects. The GOP’s willingness to play politics ...

Clinton Foundation: Time for Truth About Its Work
Even if you hate the Clintons, there's no denying the spectacular amount of charitable work the Clinton Foundation has done and the millions of lives it has improved, even saved. Despite a disinformation campaign, there is no doubt about the ...

There Is No Logical Argument Against the Iran Nuclear Deal
The only alternatives to this deal are the destructive status quo of continued stalemate and standoff that destabilizes the whole region or even more open military conflict that endangers everyone in the region (including Israel). Ignore the naysayers and give ...