Sad Realities but Plenty of Reason to Hope As Russia’s Escalatory Ukraine Invasion Enters Third Year

The U.S. was Ukraine’s strongest ally until Trump MAGA Republicans began blocking aid, resulting in Ukraine struggling in ways not…

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There Is No “Stalemate” In Ukraine: Ukraine Still Winning, Russia Still Losing

Slow but steady progress is just that, not a “stalemate,” and the dynamics still overwhelmingly favor Ukraine (Russian/Русский перевод; Если вы…

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Recent Raids and Drone Strikes in Russia Show How Screwed Russia and Putin Really Are

Both the ground raids and the drone air strikes are not only going to accelerate the collapse of Russia’s military…

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Russia-Ukraine War Settles into Predictable Alternating Phases, But Russia’s Losing Remains Constant

I have not weighed in with a major piece in a while because I did not feel enough has changed…

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Why Putin Has Doomed Himself with His Ukraine Fiasco

Putin’s mobilization is myopically feared by some but does more damage to him at home than anything to help the…

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How Ukraine War Will Likely Go Rest of 2022, or, Kherson: The Beginning of the End for Russia

It’s possible Ukraine can push Russia out entirely (including from Crimea & the Donbas) in the coming months; here’s how…

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Russia’s Defeat in Ukraine May Take Some Time, But It’s Coming and Sooner Than You Think

Dynamics over time are the key to analyzing just about anything, and they clearly favor Ukraine in Russia’s failing war…

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A Brief History of Russian and Soviet Genocides, Mass Deportations, and Other Atrocities in Ukraine

War crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and mass killings carried out by their eastern neighbor are nothing new for…

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How Ukraine Can Take Back Crimea from Putin’s Reeling Russian Military

Russia’s position is deceptively weak; here are the main reasons Ukraine has a good chance to take Crimea (Russian/Русский перевод;…

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How Best to Penetrate Putin’s Media Iron Curtain in Russia? Dead Russian Troops

Why thousands of dead Russian soldiers are likely beyond the skill of Putin’s disinformation propaganda gaslighters and can strike at…

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