From Orwell in Spain to Trump and Putin: Orwell as Antidote to Stalinism and Fascism, Then and Now

From Stalinist show-trials in Spain to Jim Jordan’s Judiciary Committee, history is repeating itself and it is terrifying as Trump,…

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The Post-Putin World Will Be So Much Better than This One

Imagining a post-Putin world is not as hard as many would think and would be better for everyone, including Russia…

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Russia-Ukraine War Settles into Predictable Alternating Phases, But Russia’s Losing Remains Constant

I have not weighed in with a major piece in a while because I did not feel enough has changed…

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Debunking One of the Worst Arguments Against Increasing Support for Ukraine

Some fools claim that the West has been the aggressor against Russia here.  The best argument against this—that enthusiastically helping…

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A Brief History of Russian and Soviet Genocides, Mass Deportations, and Other Atrocities in Ukraine

War crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and mass killings carried out by their eastern neighbor are nothing new for…

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The Insecure Leading the Confused: Public Opinion and Settlement Policy In Israel

Trying to answer if and how Israeli public opinion effects settlement policy is a tough question to answer and does…

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North Korea’s Nightmare Past Key to Understanding Its Nightmare Present & Nightmare Future

North Korea’s brutal, tragic history is the key to understanding why options for dealing with Kim Jong-un and his troublesome…

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Grading Obama’s Middle East Strategy II: Syria’s Civil War

Grading Obama on what has—and has not—been done by his administration regarding the Syrian Civil War Originally published on LinkedIn…

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