Imagining a post-Putin world is not as hard as many would think and would be better for everyone, including Russia…
Why thousands of dead Russian soldiers are likely beyond the skill of Putin’s disinformation propaganda gaslighters and can strike at…
Why the way forward for biofedense merits a Cabinet addition and how that Department should look and operate By Brian…
I had nearly finished this piece when the pick of Kamala Harris by Joe Biden was announced. My conclusion reflects…
Between two very impressive, accomplished women, one is far more impressive and accomplished By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) August 8, 2020 (See Brian’s…
As the 90s closed out, humanity was coming together. Now it’s tearing itself apart. Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse September 22, 2018…
It seems most people—including many Jordanians—have failed to realize how wonderful the past few weeks here in Jordan have been…
Author’s note: the conduct of Trump and his people since I wrote this have only furthered the dangerous trends highlighted…
America’s president did something stupid concerning Jerusalem. Cue predictably stupid reactions. Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse December 11, 2017 By Brian E.…
North Korea’s brutal, tragic history is the key to understanding why options for dealing with Kim Jong-un and his troublesome…
Rather than signify any beginning of weaponizing foreign policy and national security in politics, the 9/11 attacks simply marked the…
Even if you hate the Clintons, there’s no denying the spectacular amount of charitable work the Clinton Foundation has done…
Author’s note: with a Bernie Sanders candidacy again looming over the Democratic Party and the country as a whole, here…
A detailed examination of Trump’s foreign policy speech from a few weeks ago reveals how little substantive thought or ideas…
2015 was a tough year, but not altogether bad… Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse January 4, 2016 By Brian E. Frydenborg…