The Real Context News Podcast #13: The Iowa Caucuses, GOP Primaries, & Why Haley & DeSantis Are Done & Biden Will Beat Trump

By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981, YouTube)  January 15, 2024 (recorded January 14, 2024); because of YOU, Real Context News surpassed one million content views on January 1,…

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The Real Context News Podcast #12: Rula Jebreal—Palestinian Journalist, Analyst, & Author—on Palestine and Israel

By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981, YouTube)  January 6, 2024 (recorded December 29, 2023 intro/conclusion recorded January 5, 2024); see Brian’s other coverage the…

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The Real Context News Podcast #10: Journalist Noga Tarnopolsky on Israel’s 2 Wars: One vs. Hamas & One vs. Netanyahu

By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981, YouTube)  December 26, 2023 (recorded December 17, intro/conclusion recorded December 25); see Brian’s other coverage the…

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The Lord of the Rings, Israel, and Palestine: Reflections of the Gaza-Hamas War in Tolkien

From Jenin to Jerusalem, from Kibbutz Be’eri to Al-Shifa Hospital, how Tolkien’s tale evokes the horrors of war but also…

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Facts, Context Don’t Care About Your Narrative: Gaza Hospital Edition

I believed one thing at first. As more information came in, I let the facts and context guide me and…

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6 Steps for Israel to Take to Still Win, but with Far Better Outcomes for Itself and Gaza

A catastrophe at a hospital, regardless of its cause, highlights the need for careful, not rash action, on the part…

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The 9/11 and 10/7 Analogy for the Israel-Hamas War: Why It Both Does and Does Not Fit

An imperfect comparison is still an instructive one By Brian E. Frydenborg (Twitter @bfry1981, LinkedIn, Facebook, Substack with exclusive informal content, my Linktree…

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If You Want to Support Israel, Call Out Its Apartheid in the West Bank

Siding with Israel when it is clearly wrong does not make you a friend, it makes you an enabler, and…

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Wading into Israel and Palestine Quicksand, Biden Offers a Diplomacy 101 Class for All

Biden pretty much nailed it with his efforts to achieve a cease-fire, but his critics miss the big picture and…

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Death, Stupidity; Rinse, Repeat: What Is New, What Is Old in Latest Israeli-Palestinian Tragedy

A sick twist in the current cycle of violence stems from the natural outcomes of the repeated past cycles of…

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Jordan’s Civil Society Comes of Age

It seems most people—including many Jordanians—have failed to realize how wonderful the past few weeks here in Jordan have been…

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The Insecure Leading the Confused: Public Opinion and Settlement Policy In Israel

Trying to answer if and how Israeli public opinion effects settlement policy is a tough question to answer and does…

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The Word Terrorism & Its Diminishing Returns: Towards a Rational, Useful Definition & Application

For the crime of terrorism to have weight, we must move globally towards a more specific definition that goes beyond…

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What the Paris Attacks Taught Me About Israel

When Paris was hit by terrorism and French civilians were killed, the world stood up for the French.  When Israel is…

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Blame Bibi Netanyahu for the Violence First, Then Blame Both the Israeli and Palestinian People

Netanyahu, by far, has the most power of anybody in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and this has been the case for over…

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