The Real Context News Podcast #13: The Iowa Caucuses, GOP Primaries, & Why Haley & DeSantis Are Done & Biden Will Beat Trump

By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981, YouTube)  January 15, 2024 (recorded January 14, 2024); because of YOU, Real Context News surpassed one million content views on January 1,…

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The Ten Levels of White Racism in America: A Useful Spectrum

Understanding the types of racism and racists is far more useful than simply labeling people as racist or not. Here…

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Trump, the Specter of Political Violence, & Lessons From the Roman Republic (Or, We Have a Problem America!)

Trump’s flirtatious waltz with hints and threats of political violence cannot be ignored and should not be underestimated. Apart from…

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Republic of Georgia Shows Trump & His Fans Depressingly Normal: Just Another Ethno-centric Nationalist Movement

Author’s note: as Trump’s presidency unfolds into its third year, the idea that Trumpism really is little more than banal…

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America Staring into Abyss of Racial Terrorism After Shootings; Up to White America if USA Falls in, Sees Israeli-Palestinization of Race Relations

After events in Baton Rouge, LA, Falcon Heights, MN, and Dallas, TX, America—in particular white America—sorely needs to take stock…

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Syria, ISIS, The Walking Dead, The Leftovers, & Tolkien: Musings on the Crumbling of Civilization & Morality

How three TV shows illustrate critical dynamics of the Syrian Civil War and how two books show us why we need to…

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The State of Illegal Immigration 2015: Reality vs. Republican Fantasy

Author’s note: as we enter the longest government shutdown in American history as 2019 unfolds because of Trump’s border wall…

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The Republican Candidates: Substance vs. Style: What Trumps What?

The first debate(s) showed us that the Republicans are often in a war between substance and style.  Can a candidate…

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Black & White III: Why Southerners Voted to Secede, in Their Own Words

The rebel “Confederate” flag is much less of a problem than the values and system it represents. The romanticization of…

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Black & White II: The REAL Confederate Cause & Its Southern Opposition

The rebel “Confederate” flag is much less of a problem than the values and system it represents. The romanticization of…

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Black & White I: Confederate Flag Nothing to Celebrate: SC Debate

The rebel “Confederate” flag is much less of a problem than the values and system it represents. The romanticization of…

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How Not to Stop Terrorism/Gun Violence: Lessons from Republicans

How the GOP’s playbook for myopia, overreaction, and inaction empowers terrorism, violent criminals, and mass shooters Originally published on LinkedIn…

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Top Political & Foreign Policy Lessons from Game of Thrones

Top ten political and foreign policy lessons from Game of Thrones, or, how Game of Thrones can rescue us from…

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A Ferguson Intifada: Why African-Americans are America’s Palestinians

If white Americans and Israeli Jews want African-Americans and Palestinians to cease with the ruckus, they must make their own…

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