Substance vs. Style as Biden Picks Harris over Rice

I had nearly finished this piece when the pick of Kamala Harris by Joe Biden was announced.  My conclusion reflects…

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Barr Summary and Mueller Report Do Not Mean Trump Russia Is a Hoax. Far From It.

From what we know so far, the report is far from a worst-case scenario for Trump, a scenario that was…

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Trump & GOP Destroying the Pillars of Democracy

Author’s note: the conduct of Trump and his people since I wrote this have only furthered the dangerous trends highlighted…

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With Comey Firing, Trump Moves America Closer to Banana Republic Status; How We Respond Is Vital to Preserving Our Democracy

Trump’s removal of James Comey was a blatantly transparent attempt to protect himself from Comey’s active investigation of his team’s…

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The Impeachment of Donald Trump: Russia’s Victory

Whether Trump is impeached or remains in office, Putin has already won Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse December 29, 2017 By Brian E.…

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