The Real Context News Podcast Inaugural Episode: State of the Country (Media & Politics)

By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981, YouTube) September 7, 2020 Premiere episode! PLEASE subscribe at YouTube and share and like the video!! Corrections:…

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Substance vs. Style as Biden Picks Harris over Rice

I had nearly finished this piece when the pick of Kamala Harris by Joe Biden was announced.  My conclusion reflects…

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The Best Guide to Super Tuesday (no, seriously): Biden’s Got This (and the Nomination)

There will be no revolution: This 2020 Super Tuesday, Biden will greatly exceed his polling averages as the moderate consolidation…

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Democrats Look Disastrous, But Biden May Yet Save Them from Themselves Starting in South Carolina; & Why Putin Boosts Bernie Sanders

There are reasons to panic, and people really should understand why Putin is boosting Bernie.  But panic can be useful…

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Much Ado About Omar: What Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s Fiercest Critics and Most Ardent Defenders Miss & How to Overcome the Toxic Discourse Surrounding Her

After the freshman representative’s controversial remarks and the ensuing firestorm over Israel, anti-Semitism, and other forms of bigotry, there is…

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Trump’s State of the Union: State of Meaninglessness

Words carry power, but in Trump’s Pelosi-delayed State of the Union “speech,” the character of the man uttering them destroys…

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9/11 and Global Tribalism

As the 90s closed out, humanity was coming together. Now it’s tearing itself apart. Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse September 22, 2018…

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Everybody, Calm Down About Comey Hearing

Today’s hearing was historic, but not nearly as big a deal as it was hyped up to be, at least…

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The Limits of Racial Progress: Obama, Clinton, Trump, & Sanders: Why Some Whites Shifted to Trump & What That Tells Us About Racism In America Today

For Many white Americans, a candidate of color who stays away from focusing on racial issues or from pushing whites…

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Clinton SHOULD Win (at Least 274 Electoral Votes), Nevada Key: State-by-State Predictions for Election 2016: Barely or BIGLY, Trump Likely to Lose

Author’s note: sure, I was wrong, but I was closer than most and every state I did call I called…

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Trump, the Specter of Political Violence, & Lessons From the Roman Republic (Or, We Have a Problem America!)

Trump’s flirtatious waltz with hints and threats of political violence cannot be ignored and should not be underestimated. Apart from…

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Even Without Trump, American Politics Is Pathetic, & VP Debate Is Proof

Anyone looking for reassurance from that vice-presidential debate, especially after seeing Trump in two debates, would still have seen one…

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Second Debate Shows American Democracy Is Failing

Author’s note: even before Trump won, it was clear that America was damaged and in trouble, that certain trends that…

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