Biden’s and Democrats’ Historic Awesomeness Cannot Be Denied: Midterms Edition

As we watch the escapades of the incoming Republican House majority of the 118th Congress broadcast to the world the…

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The Ten Levels of White Racism in America: A Useful Spectrum

Understanding the types of racism and racists is far more useful than simply labeling people as racist or not. Here…

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Republic of Georgia Shows Trump & His Fans Depressingly Normal: Just Another Ethno-centric Nationalist Movement

Author’s note: as Trump’s presidency unfolds into its third year, the idea that Trumpism really is little more than banal…

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How W. Bush & Obama Paved Way for Trump: A History of Risky Precedents for Becoming President

Without George W. Bush’s presidency, it’s hard to imagine Obama’s 2008 victory; without both, it’s hard to imagine Trump being…

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The State of Illegal Immigration 2015: Reality vs. Republican Fantasy

Author’s note: as we enter the longest government shutdown in American history as 2019 unfolds because of Trump’s border wall…

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Black & White III: Why Southerners Voted to Secede, in Their Own Words

The rebel “Confederate” flag is much less of a problem than the values and system it represents. The romanticization of…

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Black & White II: The REAL Confederate Cause & Its Southern Opposition

The rebel “Confederate” flag is much less of a problem than the values and system it represents. The romanticization of…

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Black & White I: Confederate Flag Nothing to Celebrate: SC Debate

The rebel “Confederate” flag is much less of a problem than the values and system it represents. The romanticization of…

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All Hail Hillary!

Her Political Nature Is Just What Washington Needs Perhaps the most substantive difference between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton involves…

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A Ferguson Intifada: Why African-Americans are America’s Palestinians

If white Americans and Israeli Jews want African-Americans and Palestinians to cease with the ruckus, they must make their own…

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The Meaning of 9/11? It’s All About 9/12

The Meaning of 9/11? It’s All About 9/12 What Cosmos, Abraham Lincoln, The Leftovers, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars…

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Welcome to the Era of Rising Democratic Fascism Part I: Defining Democracy, Fascism, and Democratic Fascism Usefully, and Spin vs. Lies

Fascism comes in many forms; if Hitler and genocide can be one end of the spectrum, there’s plenty of room…

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