Trump, the Specter of Political Violence, & Lessons From the Roman Republic (Or, We Have a Problem America!)

Trump’s flirtatious waltz with hints and threats of political violence cannot be ignored and should not be underestimated. Apart from…

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How Would Trump Run U.S.? RNC Convention Disaster Is Preview

Author’s note: I noted during the 2016 RNC in the below article that the dysfunctional and incoherent disaster of a…

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Sanders Political Terrorism I: Bernie Fans Fan Ignorant Nevada Drama & He Defends the Indefensible

Author’s note: as we are faced with the prospect of another Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, it is worth revisiting my…

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How W. Bush & Obama Paved Way for Trump: A History of Risky Precedents for Becoming President

Without George W. Bush’s presidency, it’s hard to imagine Obama’s 2008 victory; without both, it’s hard to imagine Trump being…

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Cruz-Fiorina 2016: Historically Shameless & Desperate Move Still Deserves Its Due Recognition Even Among Trump & General 2016 Craziness

In a year where it is hard to keep track of the stupendous volume of political insanity inflicted on and…

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10 Reasons Why Conventional Wisdom on Republican Convention & Trump Wrong: GOP Won’t Risk Party’s Destruction, Wrath of His Voters

10 Reasons Why GOP Won’t Risk Party’s Destruction, Wrath of His Voters Despite all the talk of Trump being stopped…

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GOP to Unify Behind Trump, Cease Circus, Game Has Changed Since Debate; Democrats to Face Stronger GOP in Fall, Sanders Must Tone Down Clinton Attacks

Game Has Changed Since Debate; Democrats to Face Stronger GOP in Fall, Sanders Must Tone Down Clinton Attacks Before last…

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The Sex-Worker, the Oligarch, the Kremlin Insider, and the American Political Consultant

How an Entrepreneurial Russian Sex-Worker Further Exposed Team Trump’s Love Affair with Team Putin (Russian/Русский перевод) Author’s note: the odyssey…

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Think You Know How Deep Trump-Russia Goes? Think Again: This Chart/Info Will Blow Your Mind

(Russian/Русский перевод) Perhaps the main problem with coverage of Trump’s Russia ties is that many of the various actors’ less…

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Trump’s Russia & Mafia Dealings Expose Him As Fool or Criminal (Traitor?) or Both: Biggest Scandal in U.S. History, Far Too Many Ties to Be Nothing

Author’s note: as I tried following up in late 2016 and early 2017 on some loose ends from my pre-election…

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Trump, the Global Democratic Fascist Movement, Putin’s War on the West, and a Choice for Liberals: Welcome to the Era of Rising Democratic Fascism Part II

Fascism comes in many forms; if Hitler and genocide can be one end of the spectrum, there’s plenty of room…

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EXCLUSIVE: Top Trump Aides’ Deeper & Linked Roles in Putin Agenda Revealed; Russian Mafia Nexus With Trump & Aides Goes Back Years

Author’s note: if I was horrified and outraged at the lack of the coverage of the Russia angle back in…

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Trump, Putin, Russia, DNC/Clinton Hack, & WikiLeaks: “There’s Something Going on” with Election 2016 & It’s Cyberwarfare & Maybe Worse

Author’s note January 19th, 2019: I wrote this during the 2016 DNC because I was horrified at the lack of…

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