When Dirty Russian-Connected Money Saved Trump’s Ass and His Ensuing Business Disasters Helped Destroy the Global and American Economies

As Trump’s taxes return to the news, here is the parallel context and setup where he went from failure on…

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Why the Coronavirus Pandemic and America’s Disastrous Response Will Inspire Future Use of Bioweapons

Excerpt 3 of 5, adapted to stand alone, from a May 26, 2020 SPECIAL REPORT on coronavirus By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981)…

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Coronavirus Exposes U.S. As Unprepared for Biowarfare & Bioterrorism, Highlighting Traditional U.S. Weakness in Unconventional, Asymmetric Warfare

SPECIAL REPORT By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) May 26, 2020 PDF report version of this article here. The eBook…

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How Cohen’s and Manafort’s Ukraine Ties Tell the Deeper Story of Trump-Russia and the Mueller Probe

Both Cohen and Manafort have close ties to people close to Putin’s Russian mafia henchmen and who are central to…

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9/11 and Global Tribalism

As the 90s closed out, humanity was coming together. Now it’s tearing itself apart. Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse September 22, 2018…

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Republican Party Plays Politics with Zika, Shows GOP’s True (Disgraceful) Nature

Yes, we can blame the poor Zika response on Republicans, which has put far more Americans at risk than necessary,…

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Clinton Foundation: Time for Truth About Its Work

Even if you hate the Clintons, there’s no denying the spectacular amount of charitable work the Clinton Foundation has done…

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Clinton vs. Sanders In-Depth: Past, Present, & Future, or, My Olive Branch to Camp Sanders

Author’s note: as I write this while Bernie Sanders is considering a second presidential run, it should be remembered that…

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2015 Year in Risk Review: Risky Business

2015 was a tough year, but not altogether bad… Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse January 4, 2016   By Brian E. Frydenborg…

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Grading Obama on Reducing U.S. “Dependency” on Middle East Oil

Energy Moves An Underreported Triumph by Any Objective Standard Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse August 27, 2015 By Brian E. Frydenborg…

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The State of Illegal Immigration 2015: Reality vs. Republican Fantasy

Author’s note: as we enter the longest government shutdown in American history as 2019 unfolds because of Trump’s border wall…

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The 1995 Gangster Meeting in Israel That Blows Opens the Trump-Russia Saga

After Monday’s New York Times piece on Trump business partner and associate Felix Sater’s efforts that began at least in November, 2015, to…

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Think You Know How Deep Trump-Russia Goes? Think Again: This Chart/Info Will Blow Your Mind

(Russian/Русский перевод) Perhaps the main problem with coverage of Trump’s Russia ties is that many of the various actors’ less…

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