Already in a Cyberwar with Russia, NATO Must Expand Article 5 to Include Cyberwarfare

The nature of warfare is changing and cyberwarfare is increasingly the battlefield on which our battles against our enemies are…

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As America Votes, UK’s Russian Election Interference Report Should Be a Wake-Up Call to America

While it took years for a serious UK government report on Russian election interference in the UK to be released…

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Nationalism: A National Security Threat from Without and Within and one of Putin’s Favorite Weapons

Whatever its origin, nationalism taken too far can instigate violence and destroy democracy, and this is exactly what Putin is…

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Democrats Look Disastrous, But Biden May Yet Save Them from Themselves Starting in South Carolina; & Why Putin Boosts Bernie Sanders

There are reasons to panic, and people really should understand why Putin is boosting Bernie.  But panic can be useful…

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Time to Play Hardball with Russia

After President Donald Trump’s and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s embarrassing meetings today with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, now…

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9/11 and Global Tribalism

As the 90s closed out, humanity was coming together. Now it’s tearing itself apart. Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse September 22, 2018…

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Clinton SHOULD Win (at Least 274 Electoral Votes), Nevada Key: State-by-State Predictions for Election 2016: Barely or BIGLY, Trump Likely to Lose

Author’s note: sure, I was wrong, but I was closer than most and every state I did call I called…

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How Voters May Shift Before Election: Debates Likely Last Chances to Sway Voters, but Undecideds Unpredictable

Barring any kind of major “October surprise,” terrorist attack, disaster, or domestic unrest, the VP debate and especially the two…

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10 Reasons for Liberals to Worry About Election Besides Trump / Clinton Debate

It’s kinda time to panic for liberals; regardless of how the public reacts to the debate, here are 10 reasons…

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Obama, Bush Give Great Speeches at Dallas Memorial, but America Not Listening

In an appropriate show of bipartisan unity, Barack Obama and his predecessor, George W. Bush, called for unity and for…

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America Staring into Abyss of Racial Terrorism After Shootings; Up to White America if USA Falls in, Sees Israeli-Palestinization of Race Relations

After events in Baton Rouge, LA, Falcon Heights, MN, and Dallas, TX, America—in particular white America—sorely needs to take stock…

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Brexit Heralds End of Positive Era & Possible Lurch Towards Awful One for Europe & World

Least among the problems posed by the UK’s Brexit vote to leave the EU are the actual effects that will…

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Western Democracy Is on Trial, More than Any Time Since WWII

Author’s note: when I wrote this, I was confident Clinton would win but still worried about the chance of a…

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Trump, the Global Democratic Fascist Movement, Putin’s War on the West, and a Choice for Liberals: Welcome to the Era of Rising Democratic Fascism Part II

Fascism comes in many forms; if Hitler and genocide can be one end of the spectrum, there’s plenty of room…

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The (First) Russo-American Cyberwar: How Obama Lost & Putin Won, Ensuring a Trump Victory

Author’s note: I was able to put this narrative together—one strongly supported by the available information even right after the…

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