The History of Russia’s Cyberwarfare Against NATO Shows It Is Time to Add to NATO’s Article 5

Since cyberwarfare has become a thing, Russia has been the only serious perpetrator of cyberwarfare against members of the NATO…

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As America Votes, UK’s Russian Election Interference Report Should Be a Wake-Up Call to America

While it took years for a serious UK government report on Russian election interference in the UK to be released…

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Trump, the Global Democratic Fascist Movement, Putin’s War on the West, and a Choice for Liberals: Welcome to the Era of Rising Democratic Fascism Part II

Fascism comes in many forms; if Hitler and genocide can be one end of the spectrum, there’s plenty of room…

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Trump, Putin, Russia, DNC/Clinton Hack, & WikiLeaks: “There’s Something Going on” with Election 2016 & It’s Cyberwarfare & Maybe Worse

Author’s note January 19th, 2019: I wrote this during the 2016 DNC because I was horrified at the lack of…

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