As this historic terrorist attack unfolds, France, Europe, the West, and the Middle East need to really think about what…
Top ten political and foreign policy lessons from Game of Thrones, or, how Game of Thrones can rescue us from…
Whether Trump is impeached or remains in office, Putin has already won Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse December 29, 2017 By Brian E.…
Fascism comes in many forms; if Hitler and genocide can be one end of the spectrum, there’s plenty of room…
Author’s note: I was able to put this narrative together—one strongly supported by the available information even right after the…
Author’s note: if I was horrified and outraged at the lack of the coverage of the Russia angle back in…
Author’s note January 19th, 2019: I wrote this during the 2016 DNC because I was horrified at the lack of…
Not Time to Relax, but Not Time to Panic, Either As the situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate, extremist views…